Use of isdtp parameter in URL in Salesforce (Hide header and Sidebar)

Hi Guys,

If we want to hide header for VF what do you do, very simple, you just specify the showheader="false".
Similarly if want to hide Sidebar and chat widget from VF, we specify sidebar=”false” and showChat=”false” respectively.
These are simple attributes we use in Page tab to hide header, sidebar and chat widget.
<apex:page showHeader=”false” sidebar=”false” showChat=”false”>

But suppose you want to display a report on your VF, and you don't want the header and sidebar to appear, Or what if in case you want to display Iframe and don’t want header,sidebar in that Page.

isdtp comes in picture, so we can say that main purpose of isdtp can be used to hide SFDC header and sidebar on Standard Pages

This will work after added the parameter in standard salesforce pages by using the url parameter: isdtp=mn or lt or vw or nv

vw – The VF page will be rendered without header and sidebar, supports aloha theme, allows chatter

lt – leaves off SF formatting, page header, sidebar, tabs and section header

nv – The page will be rendered without the tabs and sidebar, and will accommodate all the buttons in a list view

mn – Retains Old SFDC Styling, hides page header(tabs) and sidebar

<apex:iframe src="" scrolling="true" id="theIframe"/>

As this is a hack and is subject to change with different releases of Salesforce, I won’t recommend you to go for it until and unless there is no other option available to you.
Hope it solves the issue you been facing. :)


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