Installing Apache ANT on MAC OS X
To get Ant running on your Mac in 5 minutes, follow these steps. Open up your terminal. Decision 1 - If you already have brew installed, follow the below two steps: Make sure you have updated version of brew by running the first command 1) brew update 2) brew install ant Decision 2 - If you don't have brew installed : Perform these commands in order: 1) /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 2) brew install ant If you don't have Java installed yet, you will get the following error: "Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build." Run this command next: brew cask install java to fix this. The installation will resume. Results : Successful installation: Ant is now installed and available through the "ant" command in the terminal. To test the installation, just type " ant -version " into a terminal window. You should get the followi...