
Showing posts from May, 2019

Salesforce DX – Push Changes To Dev Hub

Here below are the steps to push changes to Devhub org: 1) Open terminal, 2) Go to the source project directory where deploy (convert) folder is created 3)) Run: force:source:convert ex: Ajays-MacBook-Pro:Test DX Project ajay$ sfdx force:source:convert 2)  sfdx force : mdapi : deploy - d deploy - u brett @ wipdeveloper . com ex: Ajays-MacBook-Pro:Test DX Project ajay$ sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d metadataPackage_1557997633911 -u To check the status of this deployment try either of below mentioned two ways : 1)  run "sfdx force:mdapi:deploy:report" or 2) open the org and goto s etup->deployment status

SFDX Install CPQ in Scratch org

Hi Guys, To install the CPQ package in Devhub :  1) Goto -> 2) Scroll down to Package Installation Link 3) Click on Recent Package Release link depending on Org you want to install CPQ - Production / Sandbox 4) Do the org authentication, it would then redirect to org where the CPQ package would be installed. 5) The status could be monitored under Setup->installed packages 6) You would receive an email when the package is successfully installed.  To install the CPQ package in Scratch org :  1) Goto terminal and run the following command -> sfdx force:package:install --package [packageId] -w 30 use the package id from the CPQ Installation Page as  [packageId] the  -w 30  denotes that installation will wait 30 minutes for the installation to complete after the package is available. the -u [Scratch Org Name] denotes scratch org name where you want install...