DEV 501 Notes:
DEV 501 Quick Notes #Referred from another blog. Quick notes to take before Advanced Developer certification exam: Would be useful for all developers. ReadOnly Annotation prevents you from performing the following operations within the request: DML operation, system.schedule method,calls to future method,sending emails To increase other Visualforce-specific limits, such as the size of a collection that can be used by an iteration component like <apex:pageBlockTable>, you can set the readonly attribute on the <apex:page> tag to true. class defined with @isTest should not be interface or enums. future annotation: Method with future annotation cannot be used in getter,setter,constructor methods Future annotated methods must be defined as static and can return only void return type. Map Key can hold null value. Methods with the RemoteAction annotation must be static and either global or public. Static methods and variables can only be declared i...